Insight Advocacy’s mission is to advocate for expanding inclusion and diversity in our North Shore community by providing visibility, insight, and resources to support people of color.

Dynamic Today, with Unlimited Potential
A traveling photographic series featuring Insight youth as dynamic Chicago legends.
*Previously on display at The Highland Park Public Library and The Art Center, Highland Park
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Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and test of our civilization.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Community Connections
Community Connections
Vigilance ~ An Art Exhibition in collaboration with The Brushwood Center March 3rd - May 5th
Bold Voices, Bold Choices - A panel on the power of self advocacy @ the Highland Park Public Library
City of Highland Park, Martin Luther King Day of Service project, "Feminine Hygiene Kits" assembly by attendees for donation to Harbor HouseCity of Highland Park,
Martin Luther King Day of Service project, "Cozy Care Packages" assembly by attendees
Delivery and donation of care packages to the Highwood, IL library
City of Highland Park, MLK Day of Service (Insight Advocacy Keynote by Co-President Janea Harris)
Raised Up Westside participants in partnership with The Art Center
Chicago North Shore Moms Feature ~ Insight Advocacy
Incorporated as a 501 c3
Advocated with BPAC on behalf of the Dual Language Program
Collaborated with The Art Center HP and photographer Diana Gran on the photographic series, Dynamic Today, with Unlimited Potential
Youth Literacy Month - Photo series displayed with coordinating books at the Highland Park Public Library
Advocated for D112 School Board to expand their Equity offerings
Hispanic Heritage Month workshop ~ Sylvia Mendez Family Shaped American Schools
Parents Night Out ~ collaboration with other North Shore advocacy organizations​
Martin Luther King Day of Service - Motivated to Activism (Jan 2021, webinar)
Black History Month - Celebrating Black History through the Creative Arts (Feb 2021, webinar)
Celebrating our Differences (Feb 2021, webinar)
Dynamic Women of Color of the North Shore (March 2021, webinar)
Know Before You Go – Information to Transition to Middle School (June 2021, webinar)
Advocated and installed bulletin boards in the schools to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month (Sep/Oct 2021)
Collaborative Anti-racism book study with D112 school district (Fall 2020, webinar)
Advocated for the D112 Equity Audit (Fall 2020)

Sylvia Mendez and Family - Shaped American Schools

Celebrating Black History through the Creative Arts
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"It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity, there is beauty, and there is strength."
- Maya Angelou